MR KING OF VISION çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ INTERVIEW WITH MR.KING/VISION ¹ BY ³ COLORBIRD/RAZOR 1911 ! ¾C: Thats Colorbird! ½MR: And that is Mr.King! ¾C: Hiho, please tell us some about yourself to start with, like your real name, age, job, weight, shoesize, haircolor, etc.... ???? ½MR: Well, my Name is Joerg Goedden, I am 21 years old and I am working as a gardener. I am 1.82m tall, have black hair and grey-green eyes. ¾C: Nowadays you are in Vision, but have you always been there or ? Please tell us something about your scene career.. ½MR: First I had a C64 in 1983, then I bought an Amiga 500 about 4 years later. I entered the scene as a swapper and also started to learn about coding. Caused by the swapping I can not find that much time for coding, but I still try to. My first group was my self-founded group VICTORY, where I had not that success I was waiting for. Then I joined Violence, and after a short time I went to Beyond. There I released my first own pack called LOW SPIRIT. One year later, after the break of Beyond, I joined Analog. Under their label I brought out the first NEVERMIND pack, where the old menu was coded by ¶½myself. The last 10 issues I used the menu everybody should know. Finally I decided to join VISION, and I took the NEVERMIND pack with me. ¾C: You are most famous for your legendary Pack-Menu "Nevermind" which I think every swapper has seen. Could you explain why its so popular and well spreaded ? ½MR: I think it is because I myself have about 150 Contacts, and this number is increasing from day to day, it is well spreaded. Due to the many contacts, I get alot of new Stuff to put in the pack, so I think it is popular. In addition the News and Adverts do the rest I think. ¾C: Nevermind has now a very nice design and is perhaps one of the reasons for your big success, but do you really think that design should count if a pack is worth voting for or not ? Isn't the stuff more important ? ½MR: Well, I think that the stuff OF COURSE is more important than the design, and I also has been in the Charts with the old menu. That proves that it could not only be the design that makes NEVERMIND that popular. The menu should be cool and, more important, it should work on ALL computers, also on the Amiga 1200/4000 for example. ¶¾C: Earlier versions were coded by yourself if I'm not misunformed. So you are also a coder ? Can we expect some releases from you or ? ½MR: As I explained before, I am a coder, but mainly a swapper. Own releases.... Time will see. ¾C: Rumours says that you have over 150 contacts and even more, how can you afford this amount of contacts ? ½MR: Well, as I am not going to school anymore, I earn enough money to afford that amount of contacts. ¾Now some more important questions ! What is your favourite coder ? ½LAXITY of KEFRENS ¾What is your favourite graphician ? ½COUGAR of SANITY ¾What is your favourite musician ? ½JESTER of SANITY ¾What is your favourite swapper ? ½ZINKO of KEFRENS ¾What is your favourite demo ? ½DESERT DREAM from KEFRENS ¾What is your favourite diskmag ? ½UPSTREAM by BALANCE ¾What is your favourite color ? ½KARIERT ¶¾What is your favourite car ? ½my good, old VW PASSAT ¾What is your favourite packdisk ? ½NEVERMIND HOLDS POSITION ¾What is your favourite cd-record ? ½PHIL COLLINS: BOTH SIDES ¾What is your fave X-Copy Version? ½THE LATEST ONE ¾C: Thanks for this little nice interview, do you have any last comments or any short greets you want to send ?? ½MR: Well, I only want to thank all of you who support NEVERMIND. Without you I would not be able to release it. THANKS !!